公益社団法人 日本気象学会 | 論文
- Characteristics of Convective Clouds Observed by a Doppler Radar at Naqu on Tibetan Plateau during the GAME-Tibet IOP.
- Relationship of the Reproducibility of Multiple Variables among Global Climate Models
- Applying a Four-dimensional Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (4D-LETKF) to the JMA Nonhydrostatic Model (NHM)
- Tropical Cyclone Initialization with Dynamical Retrieval from a Modified UWPBL Model
- Atmospheric Aerosols over the Western Pacific Ocean during the R/V Mirai Cruises in 2002
- The Impact of the Assimilation of Dropsonde Observations during PALAU2005 in ALERA
- A Simple Method of Discriminating between Occurrences of Freezing Rain and Ice Pellets in the Kanto Plain, Japan
- Estimation of Surface Heat Flux Based on Rawinsonde Observation in the Southwestern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk under Ice-covered Condition.
- Structure of the Downdraft under the Melting Layer of a Front Observed on 11 May 1994.
- A Reexamination of the Northern Hemisphere Sea Level Pressure Variability by the Independent Component Analysis
- Reproducibility of Maximum Daily Precipitation Amount over Japan by a High-resolution Non-hydrostatic Model
- Towards Understanding Cloud Response in Atmospheric GCMs: The Use of Tendency Diagnostics
- Projections of Future Changes in Precipitation and the Vertical Structure of the Frontal Zone during the Baiu Season in the Vicinity of Japan Using a 5-km-mesh Regional Climate Model
- Estimation of Temporal Variation of Refractive Index Using C-band Doppler Radar Equipped with Magnetron Transmitter
- The Effect of Changes of Urban Surfaces on Rainfall Phenomenon as Determined by a Non-Hydrostatic Mesoscale Model
- Use of Integrated Observations to Improve 0-36 h Flood Forecasting: Development and Application of a Coupled Atmosphere-Hydrology System in the Nanpan River Basin, China
- Regional Variability in the Terrestrial Carbon-Cycle Response to Global Warming in the 21st Century: Simulation Analysis with AOGCM-Based Climate Projections
- Observational Study of the Thermal Belt on the Slope of Mt. Tsukuba
- Examination of 3-6 day Disturbances over Equatorial Indonesia Based on Boundary Layer Radar Observations during 1996-1999 at Bukittinggi, Serpong and Biak.
- Heavy Rainfall Events Lasting 18 Days from July 31 to August 17, 1998, over Korea