中央大学理工学部 | 論文
- 甘味料の時間強度曲線-3-PC-9801マウスを用いたmagnitude estimation
- On the Dimension of an Extremal Generalized Teichmuller Space
- 糖質の赤外線吸収スペクトル
- On Eichler trace formula and automorphisms of Riemann surfaces--In case of genus 3
- On a Family of Riemann Surfaces-1-
- On Spectrum of Riemannian 3-Manifold
- On Symmetric Spaces Admitting a Conformally Flat Hypersurface
- Study of Inclusive Λ0 Production Cross Sections in P-P and P-Nucleus Collisions at 12 GeV
- Some Cases of Extensions of Group Schemes Over A Discrete Valuation Ring-2-
- 二中間子光生成反応における位相空間体積の値
- Improvement of the Accuracy of Modal Parameters by use of Enhanced Frequency Response Function
- Field Observation of the Dynamics of Long Period Fluctuations in the Nearshore Zone
- Uber den gegenwartigen Zustand des Betonbruchmittels in Japan
- An Iterative and Linearized Approach to Lumped-parameter Systems
- A Physical Generation of Random Numbers Based on Random Sampling
- 噴流型温度密度水流の拡がりの予測モデル--温排水の拡がりの問題を中心として
- Deterioration of plastics by partial discharge in compressed gases Research by parallel-plate type electrode system
- On Subgroups of Automorphism Groups of Hyperelliptic Riemann Surfaces of Genus Three
- Normal Curvature and Real Submanifold of the Complex Hyperbolic Space
- Lichterregung anf der Optischen Achse nach der Miyamoto-Wolfschen Theorie