上智大学英文学科英語学科 | 論文
- Shakespeare and I
- An Eliotic Pilgrimage:In Search of the Still Point
- T.S.Eliot and Germany (ロゲンドルフ教授古稀記念号)
- T.S.Eliot,the Action Francaise and Neo-Scholasticism (生地竹郎教授追悼)
- T.S.Eliot and the Significance of self--"Eeldrop and Applepex" (刈田元司教授古稀記念)
- T.S.Eliot and the Renaissance
- The Years of L′Entre Deux Guerres--Politics of the Nineteen-Thirties and T.S.Eliot′s Political Philosophy
- T.S.Eliot on Fascism/Communism
- The Education of a Poet--T.S.Eliot′s Formative Years
- T.S.Eliot--Ezra Pound′s Promoter and Defender
- The Post-/Romantic T.S.Eliot
- T.S.Eliot′s Hermeneutic Moment
- Northrop Frye′s Reception of T.S.Eliot
- T.S.Eliot′s Poetics of Metaphysical Poetry and Literary Tradition--Apropos The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry,1993
- ニュ-マンの大学論とアウグスティヌスのキリスト教的学問論(De Doctrina Christiana)
- 英語の音声的特徴
- A Classical Education Regenerate--The Aim of Arnold′s Inaugural Lecture
- The Educational Context of Culture and Anarchy (生地竹郎教授追悼)
- The Concept "Literature" and the Locus of "Literary" Criticism in Matthew Arnold′s Critical Scheme (刈田元司教授古稀記念)
- 規範的文法態度の確立--19世紀における英文法の社会的意味