上智大学英文学科英語学科 | 論文
- Why Poetry?
- Variations on William Carlos Williams by Kenneth Koch and Bob Perelman
- Newman′s Idea of Literature
- Shakespeare and Elizabethan Exorcism (生地竹郎教授追悼)
- Hooker and Bacon
- Notes on the Religious Dimension of King Lear
- Early Protestant Editions of Catholic Texts in English
- 「大学才人」について
- 「ユートピア」の翻訳--翻訳のさまざまな困難
- Allen Ginsberg and the Progress of Poetry
- Realism and Arthur Miller
- Spanish Texts and the Rise of Anglicanism
- Seventeenth Century Translations into English of the Works of Santa Teresa de Jesus: Crypto-Catholics, Catholic Sympathisers and the Protestant Readership
- The Poetics of Pooh
- Shakespeare and the Martyrs
- On the Frontiers of Criticism--Lear′s Sermon
- The Universal Medievalism of C.S.Lewis
- "Discovery"in Shakespeare′s Comedies
- The Roots of the Oxford Movement (刈田元司教授古稀記念)
- New Worlds in Chaucer,More and Shakespeare