上智大学英文学科英語学科 | 論文
- "Look!We Have Come Through!"--D.H.Lawrence,the Poet
- Anathemata for Henry James
- シェイクスピアと「語り」
- "Grace"and the Origins of Ulysses
- Anathemata for Henry James(continued)
- Happy Endings:Celebration in Literature and Life
- 風刺の戦略--An Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnotを貫くもの
- Walker Percy and The Thanatos Syndrome
- ロゲンドルフ教授の思い出 (ロゲンドルフ教授古稀記念号)
- Death in Shakespearian Tragedy
- Models of Repetition
- 東西ユ-モア交流 (ロゲンドルフ教授古稀記念号)
- T.S.Eliot′s"Andrew Marvell"and the Civil War
- T.S.Eliot:Christianity,Politics and Criticism
- Inventions of the March Hare:T.S.Eliot in the Fin de Siecle
- T.S.Eliot and John Middleton Murry:Different Cultural Traditions
- Yeats and T.S.Eliot--Ageing and Apocalypse (巽豊彦教授還暦記念)
- The Eliotic Canon and Its Divergence--What T.S.Eliot′s Inventions of the March Hare Means to Us
- English Education and English Learning
- Hell Reconsidered--William Styron′s Sophie′s Choice