一般社団法人 電気学会 | 論文
- RF Standard Magnetic Field Generating Method Using Rotating Field
- くさび状接触子の溶着現象と溶着特性
- :Proposal of Field Acceleration Method
- 末梢気道内呼気吸気計測を目的とした自己温度補償型カテーテル流量センサの開発
- A Study of Forced Commutation Method of Constant Current Type Inverter for Commutatorless Motor
- 固体における電子のエネルギー帯(バンド構造の実験的側面-5-)
- On the Drift During the Simple Toroidal Theta Pinch Collapse
- Analysis, Modeling, and Compensation of Friction for Scaled Bilateral Control
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- Researches on the Constant Voltage Magnetic Amplifier for Stabilizer
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- Density changes and dust figures accompanied with propagation of impulse creepage discharge in transformer oil.
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- On the Corona Distortion of High-Voltage Surges in Power Transmission Lines
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- 工業用計算機信頼性評価の諸問題 (コンピュ-タシステムの信頼性)
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- Large Signal Capacitance of Ferroelectric Ceramic Condenser and its Application to the Analysis of Thermodielectric Generator
- Effect of space charges on pyroelectricity in poly-vinylidene-fluoride.
- The Abnormal Voltage Tests at the Tenryu-Nishi Transmission Line