一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会 | 論文
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- タイトル無し
- High Gas Pressure Apparatus up to 10kb and 1, 500°C for Hydrothermal Syntheses and Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Hot Isostatic Pressing equipment and its process applications.
- On the Codes for Design and Construction of Pressure Vessels and Pipings
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- Organic Reactions under High Pressure
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- Properties of Explosively Bonded Steel with Monel as Cladding Metal
- Research on structural design criteria at very high temperature;state of the arts.
- Problems on Materials of Reciprocating Compressors
- 「き裂治癒+保証試験」によるセラミックコイルばねの信頼性保証
- タイトル無し
- 再処理施設における高経年化対策の妥当性評価研究:-ステンレス鋼製加熱機器の評価について-
- 減肉を有する炭素鋼配管の繰返し変形特性評価
- 圧力機器の供用適性評価技術第1報 供用適性評価の概要と減肉評価の基本技術
- Study On New ASME Code, Sec. VIII Div. 3 For High Pressure Vessels.
- Acoustic Emission for periodic and Continuous Flaw Detection in Pressure Vessels
- Thermal Cycling Failure Characteristics in Air Using TiN Films by Ion Plating Technique.
- Design and Construction Records of the Latest LNG Receiving Facilities.