一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会 | 論文
- Acoustic Emission during Fracture Toughness Testing of HT80 Steel
- Heat Conduction of Multi-Wall Vessel (1):Measurement of Heat Conductivity on Multi-Wall Vessel
- タイトル無し
- A2017‐T4の破壊靭性のひずみ速度依存性
- Crack Growth and Fracture of the Zr-alloy Tubes with an Axial Crack:Part 1: On the Fatigue Crack Growth of the Part-through Crack and the Through-thickness Crack
- Stress Analysis of Spot Welded Cross Lap Joint Subjected to Out-of-Plane Tension Load.
- シングルデッキ形浮屋根デッキ板の重ね継手部の疲労き裂進展解析
- 東日本大震災における港湾施設の津波被害とその対策
- オリフィス下流部に局所減肉を有する配管の破損挙動
- フランジ継手締付け指針の開発
- Construction of wire-wound type 30,000-ton press frame.
- Development of Belt Type High Pressure Apparatus for Material Synthesis at -8GPa.
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- :Part 3: On Rapid Crack Propagation and Behavior of Pressure and Strain Response
- Current Welding Technology and Technical Problems for Boiler Materials and Fabrication in Japan.
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- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- What's Needed ? Opinions in Technical Seminar on "Recent Overseas and Japanese Activities on Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards".:Opinions in Technical Seminar on"Recent Overseas and Japanese Activities on Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards"
- Strengthening characteristics of cylindrical vessel by the use of a tapered bucket.