一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会 | 論文
- Non-Destructive Inspection of Spherical Tanks by Acoustic Emission Technique
- 備蓄タンクのグローバル診断技術の開発 第3報 石油タンクのFFS評価基準:第3報 石油タンクのFFS評価基準
- High Speed Vacuum Pumping Cryopump.
- 破損確率評価技術
- Progress of Acoustic Emission Technique in Field of Pressure Tests
- A residual life assessment method based on micro-damage mechanisums for high-temperature components.
- Design of spherical tanks equipped with vacuum thermal insulation ( ultralow temperature ).
- Development of Ultrasonic Testing under the very low temperature (-196.DEG.C.).
- Stress Analysis of Concrete Pressure Vessels
- T継ぎ手配管の破壊挙動に及ぼす局所減肉の影響
- Fundamentals to Fractography
- :Part 3 Non-Destructive Testing of Aluminum-Sprayed Steel Plates
- ニッケル基超合金アロイ713Cの高温高サイクル疲労特性
- Development of New Type Gas Holder with High Reliability 3. Strength Verification under Seismic Loads.:Strength Verification under Seismic Loads
- Semimetals of Group V
- Display and Analysis of Real Time Data from Acoustic Emission Tests of Pressure Vessels
- The Physical Properties of Liquid Metals near the Critical Point
- LNG地上式タンク9%Ni鋼溶接継手へのUT法の実用化に関する研究―側板突合せ継手部へのTOFD法適用および側板×アニュラー板T継手部へのフェーズドアレイ法適用―:-側板突合せ継手部へのTOFD法適用および側板×アニュラー板T継手部へのフェーズドアレイ法適用-
- タイトル無し
- On the Application of Finite Element Method to the Estimation of Fracture Stress of Cylindrical Prassure Vessel