一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会 | 論文
- The Effect of Acu-Puncture Therapy to the Site of Nephro-Stimulation on the Adrenal Cortical System in Healthy Blind Students, as Evidenced by Two Stress Indice of Uropepsin and Urinary 17-Hydroxycorticoids
- Clinical study of Tokishakuyakusan Seiko-en Hosono Clinic
- The Distribution of Crude Medicines from the thandbook of the Prescription of Herb Medicine
- A statistical analysis of outpatients in the General Research Institute for Oriental Medicine, Kitasato Institute from Oct. 1, 1968 to Sept. 30, 1969
- Clinical Experience on Application of Sinomenium acutum to Bronchial Asthma
- Study for the Objectification of the Pulse-diagnostic Method on the Radial Artery. (2 nd. Report):Reciprocal Relation between Analysis of the Conditioned Pulses and Variations of Meridians (Keiraku)
- Study for the objectification of the pulse-diagnostic method on the radial artery:The method to decide the pressure on the region of pulse-diagnosis
- On the Effect on the Ehrilich Carcinoma in Mice by the Moxa Cautery (1)
- A Basic Study of Acupuncture and "Moxibustion" for the Early Liver Cirrhosis Experimentally Induced by Medicine:Experimental study using rabbits
- 老人性気管支喘息の磁気治療
- 併病の概念からみた柴葛解肌湯(浅田家方)の運用について
- 奔豚気病に関する1考察-3-奔豚誘発試験法による病型分類
- 水素クリアランス法による血流量側定の鍼灸医学への応用-3-良導絡の生理的特性について
- 小児における正中芯の研究-2-正中芯と疾患--気管支喘息を中心に
- The Application of Bukuryo-shigyaku-to to Steroid Dependent Asthma.
- On the Effect of KAMPO Therapy of NUD(Non-ulcer dyspepsia). Especially abdominal palpitation by KAMPO.:Especially abdominal palpitation by KAMPO
- 原穴の意義
- 3部9候診の研究-1-脈診の意義
- 六極の検討
- 腹診と腹部超音波所見との関連性について