農業生産法人の経営展開及び地域農業への役割に関する研究 : 愛媛県を事例として
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This paper is a case study on agricultural corporation's condition of formation and its role in regional agriculture by the examples of three agricultural corporations in Ehime Prefecture, i.e., "J Corporation," "W Corporation" and "N Corporation." "J Corporation" has rented agricultural land from retired old farmers in the surrounding region, and developed business. As a result it has reached a large management scale. "W Corporation" has developed as a main regional contractor of agricultural operations. Its development is fairly stable, but further study of financial situation made its latent problem clear. Under severe regional agricultural conditions, "N Corporation" has positively enlarged the marketing department, because contractor business is not expected to prosper in its region. Summing up, the character of region has had a significant effect on these agricultural corporations. It was also found that "J Corporation" has played a great role as a contractor of farm management in local region.
- 愛媛大学の論文
- 2003-09-25
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