Multi-Line Observations of Molecular Gas in the Central Region of the Low Star-Formation Efficiency "Starburst" Galaxy NGC 4527
- Suzaku and Multi-Wavelength Observations of OJ 287 during the Periodic Optical Outburst in 2007
- Spectroscopic Observations of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova GW Librae during its 2007 Superoutburst
- Warm and Dense Molecular Gas in the N 159 Region : ^CO J = 4-3 and ^CO J = 3-2 Observations with NANTEN2 and ASTE
- ASTE CO (3-2) Observations of the Southern Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 986 : a Large Gaseous Bar Filled with a Dense Molecular Medium
- A Search for CO (J = 3-2) Emission from the Host Galaxy of GRB 980425 with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- A 350 GHz SIS Receiver on the Nobeyama 10m Submillimeter Telescope
- Molecular Superbubbles and Outflows from the Starburst Galaxy NGC 2146
- The 2006 Radio Outbursts of a Microquasar Cygnus X-3 : Observations and Data
- CO(J=2-1)Observations of the Quasar BR 1202-0725 at z=4.7
- Dense and Warm Molecular Gas and Warm Dust in Nearby Galaxies
- Multi-Line Observations of Molecular Gas in the Central Region of the Low Star-Formation Efficiency "Starburst" Galaxy NGC 4527
- Enhanced HCN (1-0) Emission in the Type-1 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1097
- Diffuse and Gravitationally Stable Molecular Gas in the Post-Starburst Galaxy NGC 5195
- Substructures Revealed by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect at 150 GHz in a High-Resolution Map of RX J1347-1145
- Measurements of the 492 GHz Atmospheric Opacity at Pampa la Bola and Rio Frio in Northern Chile
- Search for CO Emission from the Gravitational-Lens System MG 0414+0534 and Its Lensing Galaxy
- Nobeyama Millimeter Array Observations of the Nuclear Starburst of M83 : A GMA Scale Correlation between Dense Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency
- ASTE ^CO (J = 3-2) Survey of Elliptical Galaxies
- Giant Molecular Association in Spiral Arms of M 31 : I. Evidence for Dense Gas Formation via Spiral Shock Associated with Density Waves?
- Detection of a Water-Vapor Megamaser in the Active Galaxy NGC 5793
- CO (J=6-5) Observations of the Quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.8
- ASTE Observations of Warm Gas in Low-Mass Protostellar Envelopes : Different Kinematics between Submillimeter and Millimeter Lines
- A Search for Molecular Gas toward a BzK-Selected Star-Forming Galaxy at z=2.044
- ASTE Simultaneous HCN (4-3) and HCO^+(4-3) Observations of the Two Luminous Infrared Galaxies NGC 4418 and Arp 220
- Cartridge-Type 800GHz Receiver for the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE)
- A New 60-cm Radio Survey Telescope with the Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the 200GHz Band
- ASTE Observations of Nearby Galaxies : A Tight Correlation between CO (J = 3-2) Emission and Hα
- The Virgo High-Resolution CO Survey : I. CO Atlas
- Virgo High-Resolution CO Survey : IV. Spiral-Driven Gas Dynamics in the Non-Barred Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4501
- The AMANOGAWA-2SB Galactic Plane Survey I. Data on the Galactic Equator
- Multi-Line Observations of Molecular Gas in the Central Region of the Low Star-Formation Efficiency "Starburst" Galaxy NGC 4527
- Enhanced HCN(1-0) Emission in the Type-1 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1097
- Temperature variations of cold dust in the Triangulum galaxy M 33
- The Millimeter Sky Transparency Imager (MiSTI)
- Temperature Variations of Cold Dust in the Triangulum Galaxy M 33
- New Panoramic View of ^CO and 1.1mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation
- NRO M33 All-Disk Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds (NRO MAGiC). I. H I to H_2 Transition
- Deep CO Observations and the CO-to-H_2 Conversion Factor in DDO 154, a Low Metallicity Dwarf Irregular Galaxy