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On March 11, 2011 a strong earthquake triggered a massive tsunami that caused extensivedamage to Eastern of Japan. Although over six months have passed since the devastation, wemust keep rehabilitating the area now. Against a backdrop of this, many college/universitystudents are involving themselves in volunteer work there. The purpose of this study is to clarify how changes occur in students relation theenvironmental consideration-consciousness & environmental consideration-behavior when theyare involved in volunteer work there. Therefore the relationship between the environmentalconsideration-consciousness & environmental consideration-behavior and the effect onvolunteers is declared. To achieve the above-mentioned purpose, two variables were set, 1) Tomake a measurement scale regarding their environmental consideration-consciousness &environmental consideration-behavior. 2) To clarify the effect of volunteer activities on thebehavior, or the consciousness of environmental consideration. As a result the following two points were obtained. 1) Factor analysis extracted 13questions of environmental consideration consciousness with 4 factors, and 16 questions ofenvironmental consideration-behavior with 4 factors. 2) It was able to be confi rmed that theenvironmental consideration-consciousness was signifi cantly improved between Pre and Post1,and it was signifi cantly decreased between Post1 and Post2 when investigated three times(prior to the camp = Pre, immediately after it = Post1, 45days after the camp = Post2). It wasalso able to be confirmed that environmental consideration-behavior was significantlyimproved between Pre, Post1 and Post2.
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