Preliminary study on 'genomewide selection' for maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in Japanese public sectors : Estimated selection response in the first selfing cycle of single-cross progeny
- 1P13:Work rate of the heart during one-and two-legged cycling exercise
- 1A-O-03 Effects of aquatic exercise under a hypobaric hypoxic condition on cardiovascular functions in postmenopausal women(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
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- 1R10 Alterations of trabecular bone architecture in the proximal tibia after sciatic denervation in rats
- 136 Time responses of morphological properties in the proximal tibia to sciatic denervation in male rats
- Effects of running training and etidronate treatment on trabecular bone and growth plate in ovariectomized rats
- (E71013) EMG overlap during the alternate activity in the synergistic muscle
- Preliminary study on 'genomewide selection' for maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in Japanese public sectors : Estimated selection response in the first selfing cycle of single-cross progeny
- Preliminary study on 'genomewide selection' for maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in Japanese public sectors : Estimated selection response in the first selfing cycle of single-cross progeny