A report on additional responses to panic disorders based on a review of panic disorders in relation to the workplace
Warakukai Incorporated Medical Institution
Okazaki Yuji
東京大学 医学系研究科精神神経科
Okazaki Y
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Faculty Of Medicine Mie University
井上 顕
Department Of Public Health Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
- Frontal dysfunction during a cognitive task in drug-naive patients with panic disorder as investigated by multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy imaging
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- What causes seasonality of birth in schizophrenia?
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- The correlation between unemployment and suicide rates in Japan since the 1990s
- Molecular genetic studies of schizophrenia : challenges and insights
- Relationships between suicide and three economic factors in South Korea
- A report on additional responses to panic disorders based on a review of panic disorders in relation to the workplace
- A genome-wide CNV association study on panic disorder in a Japanese population
- An association analysis of Per2 with panic disorder in the Japanese population
- No association between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene and panic disorder in Japanese population
- Meta-analysis of genome-wide association scans for genetic susceptibility to endometriosis in Japanese population
- Replication of a genome-wide association study of panic disorder in a Japanese population
- Genome-wide association study of panic disorder in the Japanese population