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An 80-year-old women consulted a physician because of weight loss and slight fever. Since a large retroperitoneal tumor was found, the patient was referred to our hospital. Based on abdominal computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and blood tests, preoperative diagnosis was non-functioning left adrenal tumor, 13 cm in diameter. Preoperative abdominal angiography revealed that the tumor was supplied blood by the left adrenal artery, left renal artery through left renal upper segment, splenicartery, pancreas tail artery, and middle colic artery. We performed transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) of some of these tumor-supplying vessels. Three days after the TAE, adrenalectomy was performed without blood transfusion. Histopathological examination of the tumor was adrenocortical carcinoma of low grade malignancy.
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