北海道野幌森林公園におけるクロテンMartes zibellinaの生息記録
Genetic structure changes of expanding sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations in central and western Hokkaido, revealed by mitochondrial DNA analysis
A preliminary study on the genetic diversity of small populations of two flying squirrel species from Pakistan (Hylopetes fimbriatus and Petaurista petaurista albiventer), based on mitochondrial DNA control region sequences
A Molecular Phylogeny of the Family Mustelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora), Based on Comparison of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Nucleotide Sequences
Ancient DNA analysis of brown bear skulls from a ritual rock shelter site of the Ainu culture at Bihue, central Hokkaido, Japan
Genotype frequencies of the ABCC11 gene in 2000-3000-year-old human bones from the Epi-Jomon and Jomon sites in Hokkaido, Japan
Mitochondrial DNA haplogrouping of the Okhotsk people based on analysis of ancient DNA : an intermediate of gene flow from the continental Sakhalin people to the Ainu
Identification and molecular variations of CAN-SINEs from the ZFY gene final intron of the Eurasian badgers (genus Meles)
Genetic diversity within the Japanese badgers (Meles anakuma), as revealed by microsatellite analysis
Non-invasive genetic identification of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Shiretoko National Park, eastern Hokkaido, Japan
Mitochondrial DNA control region variations in the sable Martes zibellina of Hokkaido Island and the Eurasian Continent, compared with the Japanese marten M. melampus
Mammal Study へ投稿しよう : 世界へ発信するあなたの哺乳類研究
Molecular phylogeny and evolution of sex-chromosomal genes and SINE sequences in the family Mustelidae
Genetic variation and population structure of the feral American mink (Neovison vison) in Nagano, Japan, revealed by microsatellite analysis
北海道野幌森林公園におけるクロテンMartes zibellinaの生息記録