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論文/ArticlesThorough reading of Max Weber's definition of religion and his analysis of relation between religion and politics, namely the three types of their relation as the frame of reference, leads to a better understanding of the rise of "State Shintoism" in modern Japan. First, taking into account the conditions, on which his definition of religion is based, necessities a research of religion as an empirical science. You should also be familiar with terms of religion and its intrinsic values. In this way, you recognize the structure of religion. Second, you need a frame of reference in analyzing cultural development in terms of relation between religion and politics. Weber indicates three types of their relation: A. Political power with military charisma takes control of religious power. B. Political power takes control of religious power with its non-military charisma. C. Two powers are independent and each has its own charisma for exerting it. Third, in most of Tokugawa era, the relation of religion and politics was A type. At the end of the era, however, outbreaks of riot and famine necessitated B types. Tenno-worship developed gradually from the end of Tokugawa to Meiji era, which led to the formation of "State Shintoism".
- 2010-00-00
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