Astrometry of Galactic star-forming region G48.61+0.02 with VERA
Omodaka Toshihiro
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Hirota T
Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
Hara Tadayoshi
Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
- CCD Photometry of a Newly Confirmed SU UMa-Type Dwarf Nova, NSV 4838
- Unified Rotation Curve of the Galaxy : Decomposition into de Vaucouleurs Bulge, Disk, Dark Halo, and the 9-kpc Rotation Dip
- VSOP Observations of the Gamma-Ray Sources J1733-1304, J1625-2527, and J1015+4926
- H_2O Maser Outflow from the Red Supergiant Star NML Cygni Observed with Japanese VLBI Network
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- Bigradient Phase Referencing
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- J-Net Galactic-Plane Survey of VLBI Radio Sources for VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA)
- Antennacluster-Antennacluster VLBI for Study of the Core-Mantle Coupling
- A Bipolar Outflow of the M-Type Giant IRC-10414 Traced by H_2O Maser Emission
- Variable Asymmetry of the Circumstellar Envelope in IK Tauri Traced by SiO Maser Emission
- VERA Observations of SiO Masers in the Symbiotic Star R Aquarii
- VLBI Astrometry of AGB Variables with VERA : A Semiregular Variable S Crateris
- Distance to VY Canis Majoris with VERA
- SiO Maser Observations toward Orion-KL with VERA
- Distance to NGC 281 in a Galactic Fragmenting Superbubble : Parallax Measurements with VERA
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA III : IRAS 22198+6336 in Lynds 1204G
- Dual-Beam Delay Calibration for VERA
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA II SVS 13 in NGC 1333
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA I : IRAS 16293-2422 in ρ Oph East
- Distance to Orion KL Measured with VERA
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region Sharpless 269 with VERA : Parallax Measurements and Constraint on Outer Rotation Curve
- Absolute Proper Motions of H_2O Masers Away from the Galactic Plane Measured with VERA in the "Superbubble" Region NGC 281
- VERA Observations of H_2O Maser Sources in Three Massive Star-Forming Regions and Galactic Rotation Measurements
- VLBI Monitoring Observations of Water Masers around the Semi-Regular Variable Star R Crateris
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- The 2006 Radio Outbursts of a Microquasar Cygnus X-3 : Observations and Data
- VLBI Detections of Parsec-Scale Nonthermal Jets in Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars
- A Complete Survey of the Central Molecular Zone in NH_3
- Astrometry of the star-forming region IRAS 05137 + 3919 in the far outer Galaxy (Special feature: Recent results from VERA)
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- VLBI Monitoring of 3C 84 (NGC 1275) in Early Phase of the 2005 Outburst
- A Measurement of Proper Motions of SiO Maser Sources in the Galactic Center with the VLBA
- Japanese VLBI Network Observations of SiO Masers in the M-Type Giant IRC-10414
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- Astrometry of H2O masers in nearby star-forming regions with VERA (2) SVS 13 in NGC 1333
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- The Enormous Outburst of the 7.9 km s ^ Water-Maser Feature Orion KL
- Astrometry of Galactic star-forming region G48.61+0.02 with VERA
- The AMANOGAWA-2SB Galactic Plane Survey I. Data on the Galactic Equator
- A Pole-on Bipolar Outflow from the AGB Star WX Piscium
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region G48.61+0.02 with VERA
- H_2O maser outflow from the red supergiant star NML Cygni observed with Japanese VLBI Network
- Bursting activity in a high-mass star-forming region G33.64-0.21 observed with the 6.7 GHz methanol maser
- Propagation of Highly Efficient Star Formation in NGC 7000
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region ON 2N with VERA : Estiamtion of the Galactic Constants
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region Onsala 1 with VERA : Estimation of Angular Velocity of Galactic Rotation at the Sun
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- Studying Black Holes with VERA(Poster)