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Until 2009, the Japan Fair Trade Commissionadministered consumer policies revolving around the Premiums and Representations Act, which regulates unfair business practices that distort the consumers’ ability to make appropriate purchase decisions. Then jurisdiction over the law was transferred to the Consumer Affairs Agency, and the JFTC was forced to reconfirm its grounds for protecting consumer interests and to re-establish its means for doing so. Yet it remains unclear how the JFTC reflects on its previous experience or what specific reasons it has for protecting consumer interests. Without making these efforts, the JFTC could never build a meaningful future.This paper discusses the JFTC through the standing in the pre-revision Premiums and Representations Act, and sheds light on the logic and direction for protecting consumer interests.First, it introduces the incident that revealed the problems of the standing, and elucidatesthe issues of JFTC’s decision-making process (II). Then, it evaluates the incident (III). And finally, it offers brief comments on the precise point of protecting consumer interests(IV).In conclusion, the author discovers that the JFTC has dwarfed the meaning of “legal interests,”whose presence would admit the standing. This suggests that the JFTC is unlikely to draw on its background knowledge and set forth a detailed line of reasoning for protecting consumer interests. The author recommends that concrete policies related to the protection of consumer interests stem from a single core: that businesses provide products and services based on fair and free competition,and that consumers gain from these provisions by making appropriate and rational choices. True, the JFTC recently focuses strongly onpublic relations activities targeting consumers.The author does not object to this. But to wintheir trust, the JFTC must make a priority of reflecting on its past involvement in protectingthese consumers’ interests and of setting fortha solid new argument toward this goal. It is notenough for the JFTC to keep denying any wrongdoing or speaking in general terms.
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