Visualization of grain boundary as blocking layer for oxygen tracer diffusion and a proposed defect model in non doped BaTiO3 ceramics
- Effect of post-annealing on structural and optical properties, and elemental distribution in heavy Eu-implanted ZnO thin films
- Formation Mechanism of Interstitial Hydrogen Molecules in Crystalline Silicon
- Three Different Forms of Hydrogen Molecules in Silicon
- Optimization of Annealing Time and Cu Concentration for Study of Luminescence Properties of Cu-Implanted ZnO Thin Films
- Combinatorial Ion Implantation Techniques Application to Optical Characteristics of ZnO
- Effect of Ion Irradiation on Coherent Phonon Dynamics in Bismuth
- Development of ZnO-based surface plasmon resonance gas sensor and analysis of UV irradiation effect on NO2 desorption from ZnO thin films
- Visualization of grain boundary as blocking layer for oxygen tracer diffusion and a proposed defect model in non doped BaTiO3 ceramics
- Visualization of Grain Boundary as Blocking Layer for Oxygen Tracer Diffusion and a Proposed Defect Model in Non Doped BaTiO_3 Ceramics
- Oxygen Diffusion Phenomena and Hydrogen Incorporation in Reducing BaTiO Ceramics Doped with Ho below Solubility Limit