Notes on distribution and parasitic position of metacercaria of Metagonimus yokogawai found on Ayu fish as the second intermediate host
- Gamasid mites (Acarina) associated with Japanese Millipeds
- Studies on the Mesostigmatid Mites Associated with the Insects in Japan-2-
- 食品衛生害虫としてのダニ類の微生物学的研究-1-ケナガコナダニのミクロフロ-ラ
- Studies on some Mesostigmatid Mites(Acarina) from the Japanese Archipelago
- 食品中から見い出された異物,特に食品害虫について-1-
- キャンプ場における飲料水の水質衛生学的考察-1-
- 給食用鶏卵および受精鶏卵の細菌叢について (〔松山東雲短期大学〕創立90周年記念特集号)
- ハエの細菌叢について-1-
- Studies on the mesostigmatid mites in Japan-4-Family Blattisocidae GARMAN
- Studies on the Mesostigmatic mites of Japan-Some new species of Parholaspidae
- Notes on distribution and parasitic position of metacercaria of Metagonimus yokogawai found on Ayu fish as the second intermediate host
- On a new mite,Acotyledon corporis,n.sp.found on a dead body