Prevelence of Nematodes in the Asiatic Black Bear, Ursus thubetanus, in Central Honshu, Japan, with an Amended Description of Cercopithifilaria japonica : syn. Dipetalonema (Chenofilaria) japonica
24. 台湾産ケムリトガリネズミ属2種の核型(日本動物分類学会第34回大会)
ネパール・ヒマラヤ地方で採集されたヒマラヤアカネズミApodemus gurkhaおよびシッキムハタネズミMicrotus sikimensisの内部寄生虫相の検討
中国吉林省産ニオイモグラに寄生していたHymenolepis dymecodontisについて
日本産アカネズミApodemus speciosusの分布境界について-予報-(遺伝学)
21 日本各地の動物における紅斑熱リケッチア抗体の保有状況 (1)
OR-06 台湾産モグラの地理的変異と種分類(口頭発表,日本動物分類学会第40回大会講演抄録)
コアラ(Phascolarctos cinereus)の亜種におけるミトコンドリアDNAチトクロムb遺伝子の遺伝的変異(短報)
Karyotypes of six Soricomorph species from Emei Shan, Sichuan Province, China
Karyotypes of Three Rat Species (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) from Hainan Island, China, and the Valid Specific Status of Niviventer lotipes
A New Species of Horseshoe Bat of the Genus Rhinolophus from China (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae)
Chromosomal polymorphism in the gray shrew Crocidura attenuata (Mammalia : Insectivora)
マレーシア湿潤熱帯における種分化を中心とした生物相の分類学・進化学的研究 : 動物 : 自然史研究会講演集録 VIII
Molecular phylogeny of Japanese Rhinolophidae based on variations in the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
Karyological note on the short-faced mole, Scaptochirus moschatus (Insectivora, Talpidae)
Karyosystematic Analysis of Japanese Talpine Moles in the Genera Euroscaptor and Mogera (Insectivora, Talpidae)(Taxonomy)
Faunal Survey of Small Mammals in Central Nepal, with Reference to the Distribution of the Genus Soriculus (Insectivora, Mammalia)
Geographical Variations in Chromosomes of the Greater Japanese Shrew-Mole, Urotrichus talpoides (Mammalia : Insectivora)(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
Phylogenetic relationships among East Asian species of Crocidura (Mammalia, Insectivora) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
Comparative Analysis of the Karyotypes of the Greater Long-Tailed Hamster and the Chinese Hamster
サハリン産モリレミングから検出されたヘリグモソームム科線虫 Heligmosomum (Paraheligmosomum) sp. の記録
60 我国鼠類における腎症候性出血熱 (HFRS) ウイルスの感染状況について (I)
23. ジャコウネズミCrocidura attennuataの染色体多型(日本動物分類学会第37会大会講演抄録)
13. ニホンジネズミの起源について(日本動物分類学会第35回大会)
長野県産ヤマコウモリに寄生していたVampirolepis multihamataの再記載
1 モグラジネズミ(Anourosorex squamipes)の種分類(日本動物分類学会第39会大会講演抄録)
Further Studies on Cestode Parasites of Taiwanese Bats
Cestode Parasites from Some Nepalese Mountain Shrews
中部日本産食虫類に寄生していた1新種Pseudhymenolepis japonicaならびに1既知条虫種の記録
Hymenolepis scotophili sp.n.(Cestoda:Hymenolepididae)from a Lesser Yellow House Bat,Scotophilus kuhil in Taiwan
タイ産コウモリ類の寄生虫相-1-Rhinolophus malayanusの線虫類について(短報)〔英文〕
小形哺乳類 : マレーシア湿潤熱帯における種分化を中心とした生物相の分類学・進化学的研究 : 動物 : 自然史研究会講演集録 VIII
Phylogenetic relationships of the short-faced mole, Scaptochirus moschatus (Mammalia : Eulipotyphla), among Eurasian fossorial moles, as inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences
Comparative Cytogenetics of Some Species of Crocidura (Insectivora) with 2n=40
Evolutionary trends of the mitochondrial lineage differentiation in species of genera Martes and Mustela
Genetic relationships within and between the Japanese marten Martes melampus and the sable M. zibellina, based on variation of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA
Prevalence of Antibodies to Borrelia Spirochetes among Wild Small Rodents in Central and Western Japan
A new subspecies of the least weasel Mustela nivalis (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Taiwan
Morphometric geographic variation in the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew Crocidura shantungensis (Mammalia, Insectivora) in East Asia
Taxonomic status of the Senkaku mole, Nesoscaptor uchidai, with special reference to variation in Mogera insularis from Taiwan (Mammalia : Insectivora)
Molecular phylogeny of East Asian moles inferred from the sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
Trematode Parasites of Taiwanese Bats(5)
Trematode Parasites of Some Taiwanese Shrews (Mammalia, Insectivora)
Helminth Fauna of Bats in Japan LIV
Diversification of the white-toothed shrews of the genus Crocidura (Insectivora : Soricidae) in East and Southeast Asia
Karyotype and X-Y chromosome pairing in the Sikkim vole (Microtus (Neodon) sikimensis)
Bat Cestodes from Bolivia,South America,with Descriptions of Six New Species
Albinism in the Japanese Large-footed Bat Myotis macrodactylus
Cestode Parasites of Some Taiwanese Shrews : Taxonomy and Systematics
Roost Observations and Classification of Miniopterus in Madai Cave, Sabah, East Malaysia
Additional Records of Trematode Parasites from the Greater Japanese Shrew-Mole Collected in Honshu, Japan(Mammalia Insectivora Talpidae)
Cestode parasites of some bats from the People's Republic of China
Karyotypes of the Taiwan Vole Microtus kikuchii and the Père Davids Vole Eothenomys melanogaster from Taiwan
Cestodes of Field Micromammalians (Insectivora) from Central Honshu, Japan : Taxonomy and Systematics
A karyological study on two Japanese species of Murina(Mammalia:Chiroptera)
A karyological study on five Japanese species of Myotis and Pipistrellus,with special attention to composition of their C-band materials
A Survey on Bat Cestodes from Thailand with Descriptions of Six New Species(Taxonomy)
Evaluation of Bat-Infesting Myobiidae (Acarina, Trombidiformes) as Indicators in Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Host Bats (Chiroptera)
Karyological Study of the Masked Palm Civet Paguma larvata in Japan (Viverridae)
Karyotype of Harrison's tube-nosed bat Murina harrisoni (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae : Murininae) based on the second specimen recorded from Hainan Island, China
A new subspecies of the least weasel Mustela nivalis (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Taiwan
Revision of the mole genus Mogera (Mammalia: Lipotyphla: Talpidae) from Taiwan
New records of Kerivoula titania (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae) from Hainan Island and Taiwan
Morphometric variation in the pusillus group of the genus Rhinolophus (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in East Asia.