玉置 文一
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
伊藤 四十二
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
玉置 文一
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
- Effect of Phosphorus-deficient Diet with Excess of Calcium or Strontium on the Excretion of Radiostrontium and Its Possible Mechanism
- Detoxication and Excretion of Radioactive Strontium. II. Effect of Several Organic Acids having Chelating Ability.
- Detoxication and Excretion of Radioactive Strontium. III. Effect of Tricarballylic and Lactic Acids.
- インシュリン試験法の研究(第2報) : インシュリン試験法に対するUp-and-Down法の応用
- Studies on Insulin Assay. I.
- Bioassayの近代的性格
- 生物試験法
- Cortisoneの化学
- On the Analysis of m×n Point Assay.
- Studies on Sexual Hormones. X. Hormonal Influence on the Uptake of Radiophosphorus by Endocrine Organs. (2).
- Studies on Sexual Hormones. IX. Hormonal Influence on the Uptake of Radiophosphorus by Endocrine Organs. (1).
- 分散の均一性(Scedasticity)の簡易検定法について
- Analysis of the Double Interaction in Biological Assay, Using the Factorial Coefficients.