作品季評(第76回 後半)真中朋久「池」 大口玲子「トリサンナイタ」 尾崎左永子歌集「風の鎌倉」
論文 | ランダム
- Repetitious Production of Similar Karyotypes in Different Plants of Haplopappus gracilis, an Annual Asteraceae, Following Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
- Induction of multi-karyotypes and genome stability in Zebrina pendula (2n=23) after irradiation of X-rays
- Neutron spectra determination from activated specific activities using neural network technique
- Dose Estimations of Fast Neutrons from a Nuclear Reactor by Micronuclear Yields in Onion Seedlings
- P-2(O-10)Frequency patterns of micronuclei induced in Allium cepa seedlings by physical and chemical agents