Fluorescence enhancement in 7-hydroxyquinoline analogs by methyl substitution and their spectroscopic characteristics in aqueous solution
- The Effect of meta-Substitution on the Photochemical Properties of Benzoxazole Derivatives
- キサンテン系色素溶液の色 : 発光の影響
- Substituent Effects on the Ground-State Properties of Naphthalene-Based Analogues of Salicylideneaniline in Solution
- 生体分子ビリルビンの光化学反応 : 光の作用による分子の構造変化を水-有機溶媒分配系で視覚化する-
- 光異性化と水素結合 : 複雑系への展開を目ざして
- 第17回IUPAC光化学会議
- 芳香族化合物の光挙動に対するメタ効果
- Fluorescence enhancement in 7-hydroxyquinoline analogs by methyl substitution and their spectroscopic characteristics in aqueous solution
- Substituent effect of 7-hydroxy-1-methylquinolinium derivatives: a photochemical approach to development of new fluorescent pH indicator
- Synthesis and Photochemical Characteristics of Amphiphilic Enediyne Dendrimers
- Photochemical Properties of 3,3'-Disubstituted Stilbene Dendrimers
- Photoinduced Proton Transfer in 2-(2'-Hydroxynaphthalenyl)-benzoxazole : Observation of Fluorescence with a Small Stokes Shift Induced by Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer
- Photochemical and Photophysical Characteristics in the Excited State Properties of Methoxy-substituted Enediynes
- Synthesis and Photocleavage of 7-[{Bis(carboxymethyl)amino}-coumarin-4-yl]methyl-Caged Neurotransmitters
- Isomer Specific Solvent Effect on Photoisomerization of Photoresponsive Polyphenylene Dendrimers with a Stilbene Core
- Synthesis and Photoisomerization of Enediyne-Type Dendrimers with Benzyl Ether Dendrons
- Photochemical Behavior of an Anthracene-Urea Derivative Interacting with Anions
- Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of a New Water-Soluble Coumarin, Designed as a Chromophore for Highly Water-Soluble and Photolabile Protecting Group
- Fluorescence Enhancement in 7-Hydroxyquinoline Analogs by Methyl Substitution and Their Spectroscopic Characteristics in Aqueous Solution
- Study on Oxygen Quenching Processes of the Excited State Dendrimer Molecules
- The Photochemical Specific Isomerization of Dendritic Stilbenes
- Controlling the Hydrophobic Properties of Water-soluble Stilbene Dendrimers
- シアニン色素の光異性化機構
- シクロデキストリンを用いたアンテナ効果
- 光開環反応と分子内回転光によるビタミンD合成を例にして
- スピロピランのフォトクロミズムと着色体の熱退色反応速度定数 : 学部専門課程・物理化学実験における活用
- Tsukuba-green : A Fluorescent Dye that Emits Green Fluorescence Useful for Live-cell Imaging
- Synthesis and Photochemistry of Stilbene Ionic Liquids
- Exciplex Formation of Intermolecularly Hydrogen-Bonded System between Anthracene and N,N-Dimethylaniline Derivatives
- Photoisomerization and Fluorescence Properties of para-Substituted Benzyl Ether-Type Stilbene Dendrimers
- The First Synthesis of Stilbene Dendrimers and their Photochemical transcis Isomerization
- Fluorescence Characteristics of Naphthalene Dendrimers at Low Concentration in Aqueous Solution
- Synthesis and Photoisomerization of Highly Fluorescent Stilbene Ionic Liquids
- Energy Transfer and trans-cis Isomerization in Dendrimer Aggregates
- オレフィンの高選択的光異性化
- 二重結合の光異性化の新展開
- 芳香族オレフィンの三重項を経由するシス-トランス異性化の機構 (1981年の化学)
- β,γ-不飽和ケトンの光化学--2-シクロペンテニルメチルケトンのS1(nπ),T2(nπ),およびT1(ππ)の反応性
- オレフィンの光片道異性化--光化学反応への有機物理化学的アプロ-チ (化学のフロンティア-4-若い視点・挑戦) -- (有機化学・有機工業化学・高分子化学)
- β-アルキルスチレンの酸化電位とイオン化エネルギ-との間の特異な相関