Energetic relations between the disappearing solar filaments and the associated flare arcades (Special feature: Recent results of solar observations at Hida Observatory)
Shibata K
Kwasan And Hida Observatory Kyoto University
Kurokawa H
Kwasan And Hida Observatory Kyoto University
- Evolution of the Sheared Magnetic Fields of Two X-Class Flares Observed by Hinode/XRT
- Energetic relations between the disappearing solar filaments and the associated flare arcades (Special feature: Recent results of solar observations at Hida Observatory)
- Solar-Type Magnetic Reconnection Model for Magnetar Giant Flares
- Spicule Dynamics over a Plage Region
- Observations of Chromospheric Anemone Jets with Hinode Ca II Broadband Filtergraph and Hida Ca II Spectroheliograph
- Evolution of the Kippenhahn-Schluter prominence model magnetic field under cowling resistivity
- Fine Structures of Solar X-Ray Jets Observed with the X-Ray Telescope aboard Hinode
- Cooperative Observation of Ellerman Bombs between the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode and Hida/Domeless Solar Telescope
- Small-Scale Magnetic-Flux Emergence Observed with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
- Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Magnetic Flux Emergence from Hinode Observations