Molecular clouds as cosmic-ray barometers
- 大宇宙の誕生
- D301 チリ・アタカマ高地における成層圏・中間圏H_2^Oの時間変動観測(中層大気)
- P106 南米チリに設置したミリ波分光計によるH_2^O高度分布の連続観測
- Discovery of Molecular Loop 3 in the Galactic Center : Evidence for a Positive-Velocity Magnetically Floated Loop towards L=355°-359°
- Similarity between the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center and the Solar Chromospheric Arch Filaments
- A Peculiar Jet and Arc of Molecular Gas toward the Rich and Young Stellar Cluster Westerlund 2 and a TeV Gamma Ray Source
- 宇宙100の謎
- Search for Remnant Clouds Associated with the TW Hya Association
- Catalogue of ^CO(J = 1-0) and ^CO(J = 1-0) Molecular Clouds in the Carina Flare Supershell
- Aligned Molecular Clouds towards SS 433 and L = 348°.5 : Possible Evidence for a Galactic "Vapor Trail" Created by a Relativistic Jet
- 銀河系中心部における磁気浮上ループ
- Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Radiometer for Measuring the Stratospheric Ozone over Rikubetsu, Japan
- P408 陸別ミリ波放射計で観測された成層圏オゾンの短期変動解析
- High-Resolution Studies of the Dense Molecular Cores toward Massive Star-Forming Regions
- An Unbiased Search for Molecular Clouds in the Southern Galactic Warp
- Temperature and Density in the Foot Points of the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center ; Analysis of Multi-J Transitions of ^CO (J = 1-0, 3-2, 4-3, 7-6), ^CO (J = 1-0), and C^O (J = 1-0)
- NANTEN Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Galactic Center ; Association of Compact Astronomical Objects
- Warm and Dense Molecular Gas in the N 159 Region : ^CO J = 4-3 and ^CO J = 3-2 Observations with NANTEN2 and ASTE
- Formation of Galactic Center Magnetic Loops
- Molecular Clouds as Cosmic-Ray Barometers
- Molecular clouds as cosmic-ray barometers
- 銀河ガス円盤プラズマの3次元磁気流体数値実験(宇宙・惑星(2),一般講演)
- Modeling the Gamma-Ray Emission Produced by Runaway Cosmic Rays in the Environment of RX J1713.7-3946
- A Detailed Observational Study of Molecular Loops 1 and 2 in the Galactic Center