Construction of a commutative algebra C(C[2n-1]) and regularities of functions with values in C(C[2n-1])
- Construction of non-associative algebras in algebras generated by Chomsky sentences (Duality and Scales in Quantum-Theoretical Sciences)
- Construction of non-associative algebras in algebras generated by Chomsky sentences (量子科学における双対性とスケール--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- Construction of a commutative algebra C(C[2n-1]) and regularities of functions with values in C(C[2n-1])
- チョムスキー文章の分布則とこれに基づくゆらぎ解析 (非可換解析とミクロ・マクロ双対性)
- A duality theorem for fractal sets and Cuntz algebras and their central extensions (Representations of Cuntz algebras and their applications in mathematical physics)
- 分離正則性について (フーリェ超函数と偏微分方程式)
- Algebra and analysis on ternary systems