Association between obesity and polymorphisms in SEC16B, TMEM18, GNPDA2, BDNF, FAIM2 and MC4R in a Japanese population
- 遺伝的関連解析研究のメタアナリシス (第5土曜特集 臨床ゲノム研究--成果と課題) -- (臨床ゲノム研究のための情報解析)
- 性別・年齢別・地域別にみた日本語テクスチャー用語の認知状況
- 関節リウマチ膝関節内注入療法の大規模実態調査--ヒアルロン酸とステロイドの効果について
- Polymorphisms in NRXN3, TFAP2B, MSRA, LYPLAL1, FTO and MC4R and their effect on visceral fat area in the Japanese population
- Lack of association of single nucleotide polymorphism in LRCH1 with knee osteoarthritis susceptibility
- A functional SNP in ITIH3 is associated with susceptibility to myocardial infarction
- 痛風の主要病因遺伝子ABCG2の同定
- Prediction of and prophylaxis against Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with connective tissue diseases undergoing medium- or high-dose corticosteroid therapy
- Efficacy profile of bucillamine in rheumatoid arthritis patients in a large observational cohort study, IORRA
- キノンプロファイルの季節変化の解析
- Association between obesity and polymorphisms in SEC16B, TMEM18, GNPDA2, BDNF, FAIM2 and MC4R in a Japanese population
- Screening of 336 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 85 obesity-related genes revealed McKusick-Kaufman syndrome gene variants are associated with metabolic syndrome
- Genetic variants in the calpain-10 gene and the development of type 2 diabetes in the Japanese population
- Cluster analysis and association study of structured multilocus genotype data
- クラスター分析によるキノンプロファイルデータのスクリーニング (特集 環境科学と統計科学の融合に向けて)
- ゲノムデータの解析に対する抱負と展望
- Association of the aspartic acid-repeat polymorphism in the asporin gene with age at onset of knee osteoarthritis in Han Chinese Population
- Replication of the association of the aspartic acid repeat polymorphism in the asporin gene with knee-osteoarthritis susceptibility in Han Chinese
- 痛風の主要病因遺伝子ABCG2の臨床遺伝学的解析