質問BOX SF-36について
鈴木 孝太
Department Of Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Medicine And Engineering Universi
Suzuki Kohta
Department Of Health Sciences School Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Suzuki Kohta
Department Of Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Medicine And Engineering Universi
- シンポジウム「ARTにおける最近の話題」精子・卵子の活性化
- Effects of Exercise Training on Circulating High Molecular Weight Adiponectin and Adiponectin Oligomer Composition : a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Is Maternal Smoking during Early Pregnancy a Risk Factor for All Low Birth Weight Infants?
- 妊婦および子育て中の母親の喫煙・飲酒に関する因子の検討--東京都における現状調査から
- Maternal negative attitudes towards pregnancy as an independent risk factor for low birthweight
- 質問BOX SF-36について
- 都道府県における母子保健統計情報の収集・利活用状況に関する研究
- 生殖医療・ゲノム科学研究とジェネティックリテラシー (特別企画 IT時代のヘルスリテラシー) -- (第1部 ヘルスリテラシーに関連する取り組み)
- Effect of repeated administration of clomiphene citrate at two different times on the endometrium in patients undergoing intrauterine insemination
- 媒精培養液中のステロイドホルモンの胚発育に与える影響について
- Life-table analysis of artificial insemination pregnancy rates for couples with male factor and idiopathic infertility
- 27-11.アルギネート包埋法またはマイクロピペットを用いた極少数精子の凍結保存法について(第131群 不妊・不育12)(一般演題)
- 26-2.第三者が関わる生殖補助医療技術に対する一般国民の意識の変化 : 「借り腹」を例として(1999年と2003年の生殖補助医療技術に対する国民の意識についての研究結果より)(第124群 不妊・不育10)(一般演題)
- 10-29.不妊症患者における妊娠前膣内細菌叢と妊娠予後との関連(第47群 不妊・不育8)(一般演題)
- 適応別に見た,人工授精施行回数の限界 : Kaplan-Meier法を用いた検討(第81群 不妊・不育12)
- A1 Adenosine 受容体拮抗剤及び phosphodiesterase type 4阻害剤の精子受精能に与える影響について
- The Association between Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and Childhood Obesity Persists to the Age of 9-10 Years
- Relationship between testicular size by ultrasonography and testicular function : Measurement of testicular length, width, and depth in patients with infertility
- Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutation associated with a congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
- Early impact of depression symptoms on the decline in activities of daily living among older Japanese : Y-HALE cohort study
- Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Childhood Growth Trajectory : A Random Effects Regression Analysis
- Recent trends in the prevalence of and factors associated with maternal smoking during pregnancy in Japan
- Multilevel Longitudinal Analysis of Sex Differences in Height Gain and Growth Rate Changes in Japanese School-Aged Children
- Positive and Negative Effects of Finance-based Social Capital on Incident Functional Disability and Mortality : An 8-year Prospective Study of Elderly Japanese
- Effect of Maternal Smoking Cessation Before and During Early Pregnancy on Fetal and Childhood Growth
- The Association between Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and Childhood Obesity Persists to the Age of 9-10 Years
- 臨床経験 適応別にみた,人工授精施行回数の限界 : Kaplan-Meier法を用いた検討
- Multilevel Longitudinal Analysis of Sex Differences in Height Gain and Growth Rate Changes in Japanese School-Aged Children