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本研究は,介護支援専門員(ケアマネージャー)のバーンアウトの実態を検討したものである。バーンアウト尺度の因子分析の結果,先行研究と同様,個人的達成感,脱人格化,情緒的消耗感の3因子が抽出された。また,バーンアウト因子得点と職場環境因子(同僚葛藤,上司葛藤,職務葛藤)得点との重回帰分析の結果,同僚葛藤や職務葛藤は情緒的消耗感や脱人格化傾向を強め,上司葛藤は個人的達成感を衰退させることがわかった。職場の雰囲気とバーンアウト得点との間にも有意な相関が見られた。さらに,施設介護職員を対象とした調査結果(井村,2005)との比較では,介護支援専門員のバーンアウト得点は有意に高いことが示され,介護支援専門員の抱えるストレスの強さが明らかになった。Factors related to burnout in care managers were investigated. Similar to preceding studies, factor analysis of a burnout scale extracted three factors: personal accomplishment, depersonalization, and emotional exhaustion. Multiple regression analysis of the burnout factor and the office environment factor (conflicts with colleague, conflicts with boss, and job conflicts) indicated that conflicts with colleague and job conflicts increased emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, whereas conflicts with the boss decreased personal accomplishment. Moreover, significant correlations were found between the office atmosphere and the burnout score. It was also shown that the burnout score of care managers were significantly high compared to that of care workers in nursing home for the aged, as indicated in a preceding study (Imura,2005). These results suggest that care managers have considerably stress.