一つのホテルを構成する複数の建物の固定資産課税台帳登録価格につき、需給事情による減点補正がされるべきであるとしてされた審査申出の棄却決定の取消訴訟に係る各請求が、互いに行政事件訴訟法13条の関連請求に当たるとされた事例(平成17.3.29最高裁第三小法廷決定) (特集 地方税の実務課題解決に役立つ 最近の地方税主要判例・裁判例ポイント解説(上)最高裁判決を中心に)
論文 | ランダム
- An Autonomous Distributed Scheduling Scheme for Parallel Machine Problems(Special Section of Selected Papers from the 13th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- A Flexible Routing based on Object Oriented GAs in Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Constraints
- Realization of Wide-Band Directivity with Three Microphones (Special Section on Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Analysis of Acoustical and Vibrational Signals)
- An Evolutionary Scheduling Scheme Based on gkGA Approach to the job Shop Scheduling Problem(Special Section of Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC'97)
- Autonomous Mechanism for Partner Exchanging in Distributed Stable Marriage Problems (Special Section of Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC'96)