作品解説 旅姿の七代目団十郎
論文 | ランダム
- Formation of the He(3s, 3p, 3d)States by Ion-Ion Neutralization Reaction of He^+ with C_6F_6^- in the Helium Flowing Afterglow
- Emission Spectum of NeAr_2^+ Cluster Ion Produced in the Flowing Afterglow
- Formation of High Rydberg He (np ^3P : n=5-12) Atoms by the Three-Body Collisional-Radiative Recombination of He^+ in the Helium Flowing Afterglow
- SiCl_4^+(C^2T_2-X^2T_1, C^2T_2-A^2T_2) Emissions Produced from the He(2^3S), Ne(^3P_)/SiCl_4 Penning Ionization and Ar^+(^2P_)/SiCl_4 Charge-Transfer Reaction at Thermal Energy
- Emission Spectra of HeAr_n^+(n=1-3) Cluster Ions Produced from the Helium Afterglow Reactions of Ar