GONZO、スタジオジブリ、マッドハウス--制作スタジオからみる「ブレイブ ストーリー」「時をかける少女」「ゲド戦記」 (特別企画 夏のアニメーション映画2006)
論文 | ランダム
- Control of Phase Transformation Temperatures by Substituents in Ni-Fe-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
- Magnetic Field-Induced Strain of Ni-Co-Mn-In Alloy in Pulsed Magnetic Field
- Effect of Alloying Elements on fcc/hcp Martensitic Transformation and Shape Memory Properties in Co-Al Alloys
- FCC/HCP Martensitic Transformation and High-Temperature Shape Memory Properties in Co-Si Alloys
- Effects of Aging and Co Addition on Martensitic and Magnetic Transitions in Ni-Al-Fe β-based Shape Memory Alloys