沖津省己の対談シリーズ(第14回)C・A・P予備校 本間次夫塾長 「平等」の名に隠れた悪しき画一教育を撤廃し真の英才輩出へのシステムをつくれ!
論文 | ランダム
- Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Ni-Al LDH Doped with Co and La
- ASCA Observations of a Nearby and Massive Galaxy Cluster Abell 3627
- The X-Ray Structure of A399 and A401: A Pre-Merging Cluster Pair
- Episodic Accretion onto Neutron Stars and Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Statistical-Mechanical Theory of Osmotic Pressure of One-Dimensional Multicomponent Systems. III. : Solution Immersed in a Very Large Bath of Pure Solvent