Practical identification of the sand-burrowing mysid, Archaeomysis vulgaris (Crustacea: Mysidacea) and its biological characteristics
Hayakawa Yasuhiro
Laboratory Of Fisheries Biology And Environment Graduate School Of Fisheries Science National Fisher
Suda Yusuke
Department Of Fishery Science And Technology National Fisheries University
Nonomura Takumi
Laboratory Of Fisheries Biology And Environment Graduate School Of Fisheries Science National Fisher
- Habitat zonation of the sand-burrowing mysids (Archaeomysis vulgaris, Archaeomysis japonica and liella ohshimai), and diel and tidal distribution of dominant Archaeomysis vulgaris, in an intermediate sandy beach at Fukiagehama, Kagoshima Prefecture, south
- Practical identification of the sand-burrowing mysid, Archaeomysis vulgaris (Crustacea: Mysidacea) and its biological characteristics
- Food habits of fishes in the surf zone of a sandy beach at Sanrimatsubara, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan