Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope
KIUCHI Hitoshi
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
ANDO Hiroyasu
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Ando H
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Iye Masanori
Optical And Infrared Astronomy Division National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Ando H
The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Koyano Hisashi
Okayama Astrophysical Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
家 正則
- The MAXI Mission on the ISS : Science and Instruments for Monitoring All-Sky X-Ray Images
- No Evidence for Variability of Intervening Absorption Lines toward GRB 060206 : Implications for the Mg II Incidence Problem
- The SUBARU Deep Field Project : Lyman α Emitters at a Redshift of 6.6
- A Massive Disk Galaxy at z>3 along the Line of Sight of QSO 1508+5714
- カナリア大望遠鏡完成記念式典参加報告
- SPIE2008マルセイユ報告
- 祝・紫綬褒章受賞 三菱電機の伊藤昇・三神泉両氏が紫綬褒章受章
- Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_
- Super-Hard X-Ray Emission from η Carinae Observed with Suzaku
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometric Observation during the Superoutburst of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, V455 Andromedae
- Direct Observation of the Extended Molecular Atmosphere of o Ceti by Differential Spectral Imaging with an Adaptive Optics System
- New CTI Correction Method for Spaced-Row Charge Injection of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer
- Energy-Scale Calibration of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer Using the Checker Flag Charge-Injection Technique in Orbit
- Reproducibility of Non-X-Ray Background for the X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard Suzaku
- The Atacama Compact Array (ACA)
- The Subaru Deep Field : The Optical Imaging Data
- Lyα Emitters at z = 5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Are Two z - 6 Quasars Gravitationally Lensed?
- The Discovery of Two Lyman α Emitters beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2 at z = 5.74 is Gravitationally Magnified by an Intervening Galaxy
- Decomposition of the Superwind in M 82
- High-Resolution Images of the Ring Nebula Taken with the Subaru Telescope
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Infrared Imaging of the Gravitational Lens PG 1115+080 with the Subaru Telescope
- Subaru First-Loght Deep Photometry of Galaxies in A 851 Field
- The First Light of the Subaru Telescope:A New Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula
- Oscillations in G-Type Giants
- Substellar Companions to Evolved Intermediate-Mass Stars : HD 145457 and HD 180314
- Spectral Evolution of the GRB 030329 Afterglow : Detection of the Supernova Nebular Phase Emissions
- Subaru Deep Survey I. Near-Infrared Observations
- High-Power Laser Beam Transfer through Optical Relay Fibers for a Laser Guide Adaptive Optics System
- Photonic crystal fiber for the high power sodium D_2 line laser
- Panoramic Views of Cluster-Scale Assemblies Explored by Subaru Wide-Field Imaging
- Dusty ERO Search behind Two Massive Clusters
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- Anti-Correlation of Near-Infrared and X-Ray Variations of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 in the Soft State
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase
- Implications for Cosmic Reionization from the Optical Afterglow Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Burst 050904 at z = 6.3
- Performance of the Charge-Injection Capability of Suzaku XIS
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku wide-band observations of SN 1006
- The 7-Steps of the Data Analysis(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Development of Iodine Cells for the Subaru HDS and the Okayama HIDES : I. Instrumentation and Performance of the Spectrographs
- Iodine-Cell Spectroscopy at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory : First Results
- Planetary Companions to Evolved Intermediate-Mass Stars : 14 Andromedae, 81 Ceti, 6 Lyncis, and HD 167042
- Planetary Companions around Three Intermediate-Mass G and K Giants : 18 Delphini, ξ Aquilae, and HD 81688
- Detection of Small-Amplitude Oscillations in the G-Giant HD 76294 (ζ Hydrae)
- Development of Iodine Cells for Subaru HDS and Okayama HIDES. III : An Improvement on the Radial-Velocity Measurement Technique
- Detection of small-amplitude oscillations in the G-giant HD 76294 (ζ Hydrae)
- Subaru Near Infrared Coronagraphic Images of T Tauri
- Stellar Parameters and Photospheric Abundances of Late-G Giants : Properties of the Targets of the Okayama Planet Search Program
- Radial-Velocity Variability of G-Type Giants : First Three Years of the Okayama Planet Search Program
- High-Dispersion Spectra Collection of Nearby F-K Stars at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory : A Basis for Spectroscopic Abundance Standards
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope
- Candidates for Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in the Virgo Cluster Based on the Suprime-Cam Narrow-Band Imaging in [O III] and Hα
- Development of Iodine Cells for the Subaru HDS and the Okayama HIDES : II. New Software for Precise Radial Velocity Measurements
- High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) for the Subaru Telescope
- The Long Suzaku Observation of MCG-6-30-15(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- 8m級望遠鏡の成果比較の試み
- SuprimeCam Observation of Sporadic Meteors during Perseids 2004
- 光赤外超大型望遠鏡と次世代宇宙望遠鏡 (特集 2020年の宇宙学へ)
- 次世代超大型光赤外望遠鏡(ELTs)を巡る状況について
- 天球儀 次世代超大型光赤外望遠鏡(ELTs)を巡る状況について
- 天文学における補償光学 (特集:補償光学--良質な光への変換技術)
- Synchronization of 1064 and 1319nm Pulses Emitted from Actively Mode-Locked Nd:YAG Lasers and Its Application to 589nm Sum-Frequency Generation
- Suzaku Observations of the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 2052
- Multiband Photopolarimetric Monitoring of an Outburst of the Blazar 3C 454.3 in 2007
- Subaru/HDS Study of the Extremely Metal-Poor Star CS 29498-043 : Abundance Analysis Details and Comparison with Other Carbon-Rich Objects
- Discovery of Extended X-Ray Emission from an Unidentified TeV Source, HESS J1614-518, Using the Suzaku Satellite
- Measuring the Broad-Band X-Ray Spectrum from 400eV to 40keV in the Southwest Part of the Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946
- X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 Observed with Suzaku
- Near-Infrared Emission-Line Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North
- Search for Sc-K Line Emission from RX J0852.0-4622 Supernova Remnant with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observation of 1H0707-495 : Puzzling Spectral Drop around 7keV(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Study of the Large-Scale Temperature Structure of the Perseus Cluster with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observation of the Metallicity Distribution in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636
- X-Ray Temperature and Mass Measurements to the Virial Radius of Abell 1413 with Suzaku
- Photospheric Abundances of Volatile and Refractory Elements in Planet-Harboring Stars
- Metallic Abundances in the Planet-Harboring G-Type Star HD 38529
- Suzaku Observation of the Ophiuchus Galaxy Cluster : One of the Hottest Cool Core Clusters
- Suzaku and XMM-Newton Observations of Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Eastern Tip Region of the Carina Nebula
- High Metallicity of the X-Ray Gas Up to the Virial Radius of a Binary Cluster of Galaxies : Evidence of Galactic Superwinds at High-Redshift
- Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS
- Beam Pattern Measurements and Observational Evaluations of the ALMA/ACA 12-m Antenna
- Detection of Zinc in the Very Metal-Poor Post-AGB Star HR 4049
- An Abundance Study in the Hg-Mn Star 46 Aquilae (HD 186122) with the SUBARU/HDS^1
- Suzaku Spectroscopy of Extended X-Ray Emission in M 17
- The Short-Period Cepheid SU Cassiopeiae : Spectroscopic Diagnosis of its Rotation and Atmospheric Turbulence
- Phase Stability Measurement of an Optical Two-Tone Signal Applied to a Signal Reference Source for Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Interferometer
- Beryllium Abundances of Solar-Analog Stars
- Solid-State Slit Camera (SSC) Aboard MAXI
- Bright X-Ray Flares from the BL Lac Object Markarian 421, Detected with MAXI in 2010 January and February
- In-Orbit Performance of the MAXI/SSC onboard the ISS
- Physical Relation of Source I to IRc2 in the Orion KL Region
- A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku, and Swift
- Suzaku Observation of Nearby On-Going Merger Cluster Abell 3627
- A Large X-Ray Flare from a Single Weak-Lined T Tauri Star TWA-7 Detected with MAXI GSC
- The First MAXI/GSC Catalog in the High Galactic-Latitude Sky
- Improvements in Calibration of GSO Scintillators in the Suzaku Hard X-Ray Detector