- 紀伊半島南東部で発見されたノコメメクラチビゴミムシ
- A New Record of Kusumia Kitayamai (Coleoptera, Trechinae)
- 紀伊半島南東部で同所的に生息するキイメクラチビゴミムシ属の2新種
- Occurrence of Epaphiopsis (Coleoptera,Trechinae) in the Eastern Himalayas
- 紀州の果無山脈で見つかったキイメクラチビゴミムシ属の2番目の種
- Kurasawatrechus Kyokoae,a New Anophthalmic Trechine Beetle Found in a Sandstone Cave of Japan
- フドウノメクラチビゴミムシ群に属するメクラチビゴミムシ類の2新種
- A New Microphthalmic Trechine Beetle of the Trechoblemus Complex from Tian Shan
- 四国の高縄半島におけるノコメメクラチビゴミムシの発見
- 四国南西部の地下浅層から見つかったヒラタメクラチビゴミムシ亜属の1新種
- Further Records of Anophthalmic Trechiama (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Southeastern Shikoku, Japan
- アワメクラチビゴミムシ属分布域の北西部に産する4新種
- Exact Localities of Perileptus denticollis : Coleoptera, Trechinae
- Two New Localities of Eocnides fragilis (Coleoptera, Trechinae), with Brief Notes on its Habitats
- New Replacement Name for Lamprotrechus S. UENO, 1975 : Coleoptera, Trechinae
- A New Hairy Species of Ishikawatrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Western Shikoku, Japan
- A New Threatened Species of the Genus Trechiama (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Northeastern Honshu, Japan, with Notes on an Endangered Species
- A New Genus and Species of Anophthalmic Trechine Beetle from a Mine Adit of Southwest Japan
- A New Record of Jujiroa satoi (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Platyninae)
- 中国广西壮族自治区の最北部で見つかった新型のキリンメクラチビゴミムシ
- A New Record of Ishikawatrechus squamosus S. UENO (Coleoptera, Trechinae)
- Occurrence of Yamautidius anaulax (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in the Upper Hypogean Zone
- 中国貴州省南部で発見されたSinaphaenops属アシナガメクラチビゴミムシ類の新種,ならびにThaumastaphaenops pulcherrimusの分類学的地位
- ウエノメクラチビゴミムシ属の第二の種
- 揚子江の北側から見つかったアシナガメクラチビゴミムシの1新属新種
- 前胸背板に細毛をもつツヤメクラチビゴミムシ属の2新種
- A New Anophthalmic Trechiama (Coleoptera,Trechinae) Found in an Old Mine of theIzu Peninsula,Central Japan
- Occurrence of Trechoblemus postilenatus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in the Upper Hypogean Zone of Northeastern Shikoku, Southwest Japan
- A New Endogean Trechiama (Coleoptera, Trechimae) from the Northern Side of Central Japan
- 朝日山地および隣接する火山に生息するナガチビゴミムシ類
- Sinaphaenops trisetigerに関する追加記事
- The Faunal Affinity of the Island of Awaji-shima as Viewed from Trechine Beetles
- キイメクラチビゴミムシ属の地下浅層性の2新種
- ラオス産のアシナガメクラチビゴミムシLaosaphaenops deharvengiの新産地と若干の重要な標徴に関する訂正
- 貴州省西部の石灰洞にすむアシナガメクラチビゴミムシの1新属3新種
- New Records of Upper Hypogean Trechiama (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in Central Shikoku, Southwest Japan
- What is Trechus nobuchii JEDLICKA? (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
- New Records of Libotrechus nishikawai (Coleoptera, Trechinae)
- 云南東部で発見された異常な変態の洞窟性チビゴミムシ
- A New Record of Paragonotrechus laticollis (Coleoptera, Trechinae)
- A New Trechisibus (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from Peru
- A New Perileptus (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from Central Asia
- A New Trechine Beetle of the Epaphiopsis Complex from Korea
- Two New Cavernicolous Kurasawatrechus (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from the Northern Side of Central Honshu,Japan
- Occurrence of Trechiama (Coleoptera,Trechinae) in Northern Kyushu,Southwest Japan
- Two New Stygiotrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) on the Verge of Extinction
- 讃岐山脈の地下浅層にすむメクラチビゴミムシの1新種
- 美濃地方揖斐山地のシャガタテ山にすむメクラチビゴミムシ類
- The First Flightless Trechodine (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from the Nepal Himalaya
- Occurrence of a New Anophthalmic Trechine Beetle in the Lava Caves of the AsoVolcanoes,Southwest Japan
- Occurrence of an Anophthalmic Trechine Beetle in Close Proximity to a Solfatara Field
- Occurrence of Chaetotrechiama procerus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in the Upper Hypogean Zone
- The Type Locality of Deuveotrechus yuae (DEUVE) (Coleoptera, Trechinae)