Jポップに見る男と女の言説 : 平成の若者の「こころもとなさ」(PART II)
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This monograph is the second part of the ongoing trilogy study on discourses of heterosexual love in J-POP.This part consists of two chapters titled "Boredom and Stimulation"and"Mole>Female'&'The Weak/ The Weak'"respectively.The first chapter shows that Japanese youth are now so much inficted with boredom that they are willing to gain ready-made simulation from their love relationships in an attempt to find a way out.As proved through analysis, their boredom derives neither from the lack of stimulation nor from the excess of stimulation but from the constant saturation of srimulation.Now that they are wealthy enough to fill their basic needs for life, they wish to gain even stronger stimulation in the easiest way possible, like having a chat through a mobile phone and finfing a girl/boy friend.The second chapter shows that a majority of young people in Japan are now fascinated by having a girl/boy friend, for they believe in the myth of "Almighry Love."In this belief, both girls and boys find the most dominant discourse of love in that love makes them stronger.This suggests in effect that they start their love relationships with an assumption that both of the couple are "weak."As indicated in J-POP songs such as "sweetness"by MISIA, "B'coz I love yuo"by Hitomi Yaita, and"A Boy"by Yuzu, however, their real problem lies in their bind conceming heterosexual love : they are tied not only to the newly devised discourse of "the Weak vs.the Weak"but also to the outdated discourse of "Male>Female"that has been carried over by the generation of their parents.It is shown in conclusion that these young people are trying are trying yo diminish the fearful space distancung the couple in order to be "one" all the time and thus find no apace left to place themselves as someone.Thus their love relationships are filled with an unprecedented sense of uneasiness emerging from the failure of living alone, addiction to codependency, and the resignation of being someone, Remedial methods to cope with these issues will be clarified in the final third part of this serial study on deiscourses of heterosexual love in J-POP.
- Jホップに見る男と女の言説 : 平成の若者の「こころもとなさ」(PART III)
- Jポップに見る男と女の言説--平成の若者の「こころもとなさ」(PART3)
- Jポップに見る男と女の言説 : 平成の若者の「こころもとなさ」(PART II)
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