Abnormality of serum lipoprotein and spleen glycosphingolipids in a case of hereditary spherocytosis
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- DE MALDI-TOF MSによるガングリオシド長鎖塩基組成の分析とヒト脳GM1の長鎖塩基組成の加齢に伴う変動
- DE MALDI-TOF MSによるガングリオシド分析
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- Metabolic Studies of N-Bases of Phospholipids and Long Chain Bases of Sphingolipids in Two-Weeks-Old Mouse Brain Tissue in Comparison with One-Month-Old Mouse Visceral Tissues
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- Immunochemical Studies of Lipids 5. Effect of Modified Hydrophobic Moiety on Immunogenicity and Immunologic Reactivity of Forssman Glycolipid
- Abnormality of serum lipoprotein and spleen glycosphingolipids in a case of hereditary spherocytosis
- 糖脂質の比較生物学 (比較生物学-1-) -- (物質の比較生物学)
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- マウス protein-overload nephropathy に生じる腎機能障害は、肝臓スルファチド合成酵素の発現低下を介して、血清スルファチド値を低下させる