長崎伸仁著『新しく拓く説明的文章の授業』(明治図書) (特集 討論の授業がどんな言語技術を身につけさせるか) -- (第3部 書評と第6回大会の報告)
論文 | ランダム
- 短支間の鉄筋コンクリート斜め床版橋の実用設計法
- Secondary-Side Depressurization during PWR Cold-Leg Small Break LOCAs Based on ROSA-V/LSTF Experiments and Analyses
- Core Liquid Level Responses Due to Secondary-Side Depressurization during PWR Small Break LOCA
- Intentional Depressurization of Steam Generator Secondary Side during a PWR Small-Break Loss-Coolant Accident
- Estimation of Interspecific Gene Differences among Pleuronectid Species with a Minimum Number of Isozymic Loci