Converting Sawdust into Boards by the High-Pressure Steam Method (第11回「地球環境財団研究奨励金」研究成果報告書(1)) -- (Development of Biomass Boards from Unutilized Forestry and Agricultural Residues)
- Seasonal changes in the Modulus of Elasticity of living branches of three coniferous species
- Converting Sawdust into Boards by the High-Pressure Steam Method (第11回「地球環境財団研究奨励金」研究成果報告書(1)) -- (Development of Biomass Boards from Unutilized Forestry and Agricultural Residues)
- Bioresidue Boards Produced from Agricultural Residues and Weeds (第11回「地球環境財団研究奨励金」研究成果報告書(1)) -- (Development of Biomass Boards from Unutilized Forestry and Agricultural Residues)
- Development of Biomass Boards from Unutilized Forestry and Agricultural Residues (第11回「地球環境財団研究奨励金」研究成果報告書(1))