Effects of A-Site Ions on the Phase Transition Temperatures and Dielectric Properties of ($1-x$)(Na<sub>0.5</sub>K<sub>0.5</sub>)NbO<sub>3</sub>--$x$AZrO<sub>3</sub> Solid Solutions
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($1-x$)(Na<sub>0.5</sub>K<sub>0.5</sub>)NbO<sub>3</sub>--$x$AZrO<sub>3</sub> (A = Sr, Ca) solid solutions have been prepared to study the effcts of A-site ions on the successive phase transition temperatures. It is found that the phase diagram for the solid solutions are very similar: with increasing $x$, the cubic--tetragonal phase transition temperature $T_{\text{C{\mbox{--}}T}}$ and the tetragonal--orthorhombic phase transition temperature $T_{\text{T{\mbox{--}}O}}$ shift to the lower-temperature region, while the orthorombic--rhombohedral phase transition temperature $T_{\text{O{\mbox{--}}R}}$ shifts to the higher temperature region. When $x$ is between 8 and ${\sim}15$ molar percentage, the orthorhombic--rhombohedral phase transition temperature is higher than room temperature and the ($1-x$)(Na<sub>0.5</sub>K<sub>0.5</sub>)NbO<sub>3</sub>--$x$AZrO<sub>3</sub> solid solutions exhibit rhombohedral symmetry at room temperature. It is found that $T_{\text{C{\mbox{--}}T}}$ is affected by A-site ions; while $T_{\text{T{\mbox{--}}O}}$ and $T_{\text{O{\mbox{--}}R}}$ are almost independent of A-site ions.
- 2011-09-25
Itoh Mitsuru
Materials & Structures Laboratory Tit
WANG Ruiping
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Nishihara Yoshikazu
Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Bando Hiroshi
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Bando Hiroshi
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Nishihara Yoshikazu
Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan
Kidate Miyuki
Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan
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