- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, citrus pollinosis was investigated in and around Innoshima city, an island city in Hiroshima Prefecture. The city is located in Seto Inland Sea and almost one-sixth of its gross area is occupied by citrus groves.<BR>Though citrus is classified as an entomophilous plant, airborne citrus pollen was collected on glycerin jelly covered microscopic slides in Durham's pollen counter set on the roof of Innoshima Medical Association Hospital between late january and late July. The pollen count especially increased in late March, from the end of April to mid-May and again in late July.<BR>Pollen from mandarin orange and Hassaku was collected from grovesin Innoshima city and was extracted with dextrose phenol fluid at a concentration of 1: 10 weight per volume.1: 1000 dilution was used forintradermal skin test on ninety-eight persons; twenty-two adults who lived out side of Innoshima city, twenty-six adults who lived in or around Innoshima city for more than ten years and sixteen minors who lived in or around Innoshima city over seven years for control study, and thirty-four pollinosis patients whose disease was suspected to be caused by citrus pollen. These thirty-four patients were also examined by nasal provocation test and by nasal cytology.<BR>Nineteen cases were proven to be citrus pollinosis as they were positive to all of these three tests. They were nine males and ten females, who had citrus pollinosis for four years on average, had lived in or around Innoshima city 18.9 years on average and had repeated symptoms from the end of April to early July. Only two of them were engaged in citrus culture. Most of the cases had other positive antigens. A response to citrus pollen extract occurred more frequently among younger subjects. It was supposed that the increasing hypersensitivity in the younger generation may caused citrus pollinosis.
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