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Ultra thin wall square JIS ZDC2 (ISO ZnAl4) die castings measuring 70 × 100mm with a thickness of 0.2mm were successfully produced by optimizing casting variables using undiluted oil-type die lubricant. The castings were observed to have less porosity at the gate side, and more at the over-flow side. The microstructure of the casting was found to become finer gradually from the gate side to the over-flow side, showing some characteristic differences from general die castings, i. e., chill zone of fine dendritic α (Zn) grains do not form near the surfaces, and much finer α (Zn) grains form at the central part of the thickness. The castings showed good mechanical properties at the gate side and central part, tensile strength of 298MPa and 314MPa, elongation of 20% and 14% respectively, but lower strength and elongation at the over-flow part. The changes of the mechanical properties can be explained by the difference in the microstructures, porosities formed in the castings and melt filling behaviors during casing.
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