IVRペーシェントケア 2.三位一体の中で看護師はどのようにあるべきか~IVR看護におけるコクピット・リソース・マネジメント(Cockpit Resource Management:CRM)の応用~:~IVR看護におけるコクピット・リソース・マネジメント (Cockpit Resource Management: CRM) の応用~
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Recently, the concept of "the Trinity of IVR" was introduced into IVR, and the importance of the team approach in medical care has been more and more.<BR>Even if it is said the Trinity of IVR, it might be a pretended team approach in medical care only by doctors, nurses, and radiological technologists who gather in the angio-room, and perform the duties appropriate to their profession. But this would be far from the true team approach in medical care.<BR>The purpose of IVR is to obtain an excellent therapeutic result in safety, in a short period of time, without adverse events and pain as much as possible. Therefore each professional considers the needs of the patient, it is important to show a maximum power to get the best IVR and care with good teamwork.<BR>The position of the IVR nurses have been established in our country. It is needed to improve the quality of the nursing, promotion of the team approach in medical care and progress of the specialty more and more.<BR>As a means to realize these tasks, we suggest the use of "peer review", "cockpit resource management" and "appropriate authority gradient" to perform logical IVR.
- 一般社団法人日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会の論文
一般社団法人日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会 | 論文
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