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At many hospitals,basic information concerning medicines,such as package insert information,is entered into a database through the prescription-ordering system.However,up till now there has been no hospital where the sharing and evaluation of medical information (such as Q&A reports and prescription inquiry records) is conducted via an in-hospital local area network (LAN).The important points in making a system for this purpose are information sharing on Q&A reports (mainly questions from physicians and nurses) among pharmacists as well as physicians and nurses,making a database of records of prescription inquiries from pharmacists to doctors and ensuring that past records may be rapidly searched.With this in mind,using FileMaker Pro 8.5 (FileMaker,Inc.),we configured a drug information database that is accessible via the in-hospital LAN and provides medical information such as the above.It was evaluated using a questionnaire survey targeting 20 physicians,23 nurses,and 18 pharmacists.The results showed that 80.0% of the physicians,82.6% of the nurses,and 94.5% of the pharmacists considered the Q&A database to be useful.We therefore conclude that establishing a system such as this is effective in enabling physicians,nurses,and pharmacists to share information not only in the pharmacy but also in wards in real time.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
日本医療薬学会 | 論文
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