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Objective. In this study, CO2 emissions on some agricultural production processes are calculated for eight different farm products mainly produced in Ibaraki prefecture. And CO2 emissions on the transportation processes are calculated for farm products imported in Ibaraki prefecture. Finally, "local production for local consumption case" is compared with other case.<BR>Results and Discussion. The analysis is based on the input-output table method combined with energy balance, which can estimate direct and indirect CO2 emissions generated by industrial activities. The results show that energy consumption and CO2 emissions of all products are highly influenced by production process. The share of direct CO2 emissions is higher for vegetable products but lower for rice and fruit products than that of indirect emissions. The study also estimates CO2 emissions of farm products which are produced in other regions and transported to Ibaraki prefecture to investigate the effect of transportation process. CO2 emissions of transportation process are highly influenced by both transport distance and transport measures. Ships and railway are lower CO2 emitters than trucks. The system of local production for local consumption is considered to reduce CO2 emissions on farm products because transport distance could be rather shortened. But as to the total CO2 emissions of cibol, Saitama prefecture was more dominant than Ibaraki prefecture.<BR>Conclusions. It is needed that optimal production system should be developed to attain minimum CO2 emission considering lower emission measures of both production and transportation.
- 日本LCA学会の論文
日本LCA学会 | 論文
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