Contribution of Small Scale Irrigated Agriculture to Food Security in the Upper West Region of Ghana
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The need for adequate food security is paramount for every country. The recent global economic downturn and the hike-up of food prices call for stringent measures to ensure that food is produce in abundance. Erratic rainfall and unfavourable climatic conditions in the region require farmers to adopt irrigated agriculture to guarantee all year round food production.<BR>This research was conducted to find out the contribution of small scale irrigated agriculture in ensuring food security in the Upper West Region. Questionnaires, structured interviews, field survey and focus group discussions were employed in gathering the primary data. Secondary data was also gathered from books and other relevant institutions and ministries. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Scientists (SPSS) software and other basic statistical tools. It was realized during the research that irrigated agriculture has been very instrumental in improving the lives of people who depend on it. It has improved the economic status and food security situation in communities where irrigation dams are constructed. The irrigation facilities have also employed about 30-40% of the youth in those communities especially people who normally move to the south to seek non-existing jobs. However, it was sad to note that most of the irrigation facilities are poorly maintained and for that matter the full potential of such facilities are hardly realized. The research was concluded with some recommendations.
- 筑波大学農林技術センターの論文
筑波大学農林技術センター | 論文
- 〈論文〉 2.間伐に伴う林内環境の変化が残存木の光合成能力に与える影響について : 静岡県井川演習林内20年生ブナ植栽林における事例
- 〈資料〉 1.筑波大学校内のキンランの分布
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- <資料>筑波大学農林技術センター演習林気象報告 : 井川演習林の気象データ(2004年)